Premier Agricultural Consulting & Research
Ag Metrics Group (formerly Pacific Ag Group) has been a leading American agricultural consulting and contract research organization (CRO) for over 40 years. Our diverse national and international clientele includes manufacturers of new agricultural products, grower cooperatives, and state and federal governments. We serve agricultural communities on the American West Coast, East Coast and Midwest through three regional centers: Pacific Ag Research, Florida Ag Research, and Michigan Ag Research
Ag Metrics Group agronomy research involves management of laboratory, greenhouse and field experimentation with a variety of crop inputs for plant health, soil stewardship, and even new farm machinery prototypes.
Ag Metrics Group tests both traditional chemicals and new biologicals. Using biologicals, growers boost yields and protect crops long-term.
Ag Metrics Group conducts a comprehensive range of biostimulant studies to determine the best rates and use patterns required for best efficacy of product candidates.
Ag Metrics Group entomology provides an uncommonly wide array of insect species testing in laboratory bioassays, greenhouse and field plantings. From our insectaries, we can also augment natural pest pressures when needed to assure field tests are successful.
From Lab to Field: Bridge the Gap in Agronomic Trait Development with Ag Metrics Group.
Ag Metrics Group nematology research includes rearing and maintaining a dozen distinct nematode pest species that give our greenhouse and field trials excellent test conditions.
Ag Metrics Group plant pathology has a broad inventory of current disease pathotypes, qPCR monitoring, and the ability to research international plant diseases in multiple USDA APHIS approved structures nationally.
Ag Metrics Group helps clients develop new technologies in precision agriculture from early development through demonstration and adoption. In this program, agricultural best management practices are evaluated using advanced lidar, multispectral, and drone imaging technologies.
Our national research team is comprised of scientists, technicians, and crop consultants that specialize in field and laboratory investigations for the fruit, vegetable and field crop industries. We focus on solving crop production challenges through advanced diagnostics, focused experimentation, and developing new crop production technologies for a diverse clientele.
Ag Metrics Group provides a clear R&D advantage by conducting agriscience research in three American regional bases, strategically located in the West (Pacific Ag Research), the Southeast (Florida Ag Research) and the Midwest (Michigan Ag Research).