Corn Research in Michigan, Florida & California
Corn research is available at our Michigan, Florida, and California locations. Each station focuses on the unique agricultural challenges and opportunities in their respective regions.
Michigan Our Michigan Ag Research facility operates extensive field corn trials across the Great Lakes region. The research covers plant pathology, entomology, nematology, fertility, and weed science. Florida Florida Ag Research conducts field corn research, as well as off-season winter breeding for Midwest corn. Our Florida Ag Research facility includes offices, laboratories, and greenhouses, supporting a wide range of agricultural research activities. California Our Pacific Ag Research stations operates in several areas of California. Our corn research is available in Central California near Fresno, with additional research farms near San Luis Obispo, Salinas, and Santa Maria. Each research location focuses on plant diseases, insect pests, crop nutrition, environmental studies, and new crop genetics. Our facilities are equipped with advanced technology for analyzing foliar disease, root biomass metrics, and aerial measurements. Additionally, our research includes studies on soil-borne diseases of corn and GMO-tolerant Corn Root Worm populations. Ag Metrics Group facilities contribute significantly to the understanding and advancement of corn production, region-specific challenges and leveraging local conditions for optimal crop performance. Trials mentioned here are often run in the field. If the trial must be run outside of the normal growing season, if there are regulatory concerns, or if limited test materials are available, most trials can be run in a greenhouse setting.
Corn Timelines*