Grape Research Opportunities
California is the leading producer of grapes in the United States, contributing to about 90% of the country's total grape production, and Ag Metrics Group has several agricultural research stations in the heart of wine and table grape country.
The majority of wine grape research trials with Ag Metrics Group in the Central Coast, particularly in Monterey, and San Luis Obispo counties. On the coast, high value wine grapes are the focus. In Fresno County where the conditions are much warmer than the coast, high production wine grape and table grapes are the emphasis. Trials can be run to study crop protection and agronomy. Our viticulture trials provide critical information for optimizing both yield and quality. We can provide data for experimental inputs to address agricultural challenges such as disease, arthropod pests, vigor, yield, and juice quality. By focusing on these specific conditions, your research can effectively explore and optimize the factors that contribute to successful grape production, whether for table consumption or winemaking.
Grape Timelines*
CALIFORNIA – Powdery mildew and botrytis trials normally start in May, a few weeks after vines have broken dormancy and are flowering. Mealybug trials normally start in May or June. Spider mites are seen in the summer months. MICHIGAN – Most trials start in May or early June. *General timings subject to current seasonal weather conditions |