The Ag Metrics Group Entomology team is comprised of entomologists with advanced degrees and decades of experience in a wide variety of insect systems. Our research capabilities range from laboratory screenings to full-scale field trials, and our field stations across the US allow us to test pests in multiple crops and climate zones. We offer a deep understanding of pest life cycles, insect behavior, insect physiology, and host plant interactions to provide you with expert insight into how the product is performing.
Most of the commercial insecticides in use today were studied in past R&D programs with Ag Metrics Group. Our entomologists are familiar with key pest complexes and commercial insecticides and are well networked throughout the high-value crop industry. Some of the research methods more commonly used by our team include:
Lab and greenhouse assays
Field trials
Caged insect studies in the field and greenhouse
Beneficial insect population monitoring
Insect degree-day models to predict onset of pest pressures
Ag Metrics Group entomologists are also experienced in documenting insect behavioral responses. As the demand for softer chemistries, bio-rationals, attractants and repellents have grown in recent years, we have developed protocols for assessing how these chemistries impact insect populations. These include:
Olfactory choice assays
Pheromone field efficacy
Caged insect studies in the field and greenhouse
Predatory insect population monitoring
Pollinator attractants
Common Studies
Almonds: Navel Orange Worm, Peach Twig Borer, Oriental Fruit Moth, Spider Mites, Ants