Advanced Scientific Staff. ​Superior Research Facilities.
The Ag Metrics Group Plant Pathology Program is a national team of degreed and experienced pathologists, supported by comprehensive regional laboratories with pure cultures of key pathogens for inoculum in successful bio-efficacy field trials. These pathologists are also supported by USDA APHIS approved quarantine facilities for product R&D research with international crop diseases, or importation and containment of exotic beneficial microorganisms for directed research by clients.
With field, greenhouse, and in vitro capabilities, our pathology research is directed toward establishing uniform pathogen infections in test systems and recording disease progress through accepted and repeatable evaluation methods. The data set is then analyzed to quantify experimental metrics as per protocol instructions. The results are presented in a clear format through extensive use of figures and tables in client reports. Our advanced laboratories, used alone, and together with field and greenhouse facilities, provide product development managers with a wide range of research capabilities:
Dozens of domestic and international test pathogen cultures
DNA extraction for molecular analysis using real-time qPCR
Pathogen plating and quantification (CFUs) in plant and soil matrices
In vitro and in vivo characterization of product efficacy
Post-harvest decay evaluations through simulated transportation, refrigeration, supermarket display, and consumer storage
Availability of exotic international pathogens and other microbials in approved quarantine facilities